

Welcome to my web site. I write some rants and opinions, publish an irregular podcast, and upload the odd picture every now and then.

Where language meets mathematics

Where language meets mathematics

In this episode of The fruit of passion, I talk to Alvaro Mattus about language, mathematics, the connection between the two areas, and many interesting sub-topics.

Alvaro’s degree in mathematics didn’t prevent him from pursuing postgraduate studies in an area that is seen more on the side of the humanities: linguistics. He balances his job as a mathematics teacher with attempts to continue his research and specialization as a linguist.

You can follow Alvaro’s Instagram account at varodonaire. For a glimpse about our knowledge of how language works in the brain, he recommends From Molecule to Metaphor: A Neural Theory of Language. “It’s a little dense, but quite interesting, relating neuroscience and linguistics.”

Biting the Apple

Biting the Apple

Juggling jazz and classical music

Juggling jazz and classical music