Welcome to my web site. I write some rants and opinions, publish an irregular podcast, and upload the odd picture every now and then.
I’m a software engineer with a mathematics background and a permanent thirst for creative outlets. Having had a variety of blogs and web sites for the last 20 years, I make no promises, but, as I’ve said before, this is the definitive one.
The name Janoma combines ‘Jano’ (a nickname for ‘Alejandro’ in Spanish) and ‘Ma’, which stands for the first two letters of my last name. Not that original, if you want, but I came up with it when I first had internet at the age of 12, and I’ve been using it online since 1996.
If you know some Spanish and want to know what I’m up to, my wife and I have a YouTube channel where we tell our friends about our life in the United States. Here’s a video of the adoption of our second cat.