Welcome to my web site. I write some rants and opinions, publish an irregular podcast, and upload the odd picture every now and then.
Torres del Paine
The famous three peaks at Torres del Paine National Park in Chile.
Bengal Tiger
A bengal tiger rests at Cougar Mountain Zoo in Issaquah, WA, USA.
A blue macaw at Cougar Mountain Zoo in Issaquah, WA, USA.
A puppy that was raised by my family, a few days after we took him to a relative’s house on the Chilean countryside.
As seen at the Seattle Aquarium.
Lake Nordensköld
A panorama of this beautiful lake in Southern Chile. The shade of blue of this lake doesn’t need any camera trickery. It is simply that clear.
Meditative Janoma
Taken during an afternoon of boredom in Galway, Ireland, during a 3-month research internship I did there.
Moody Seattle
A partial view of the Seattle skyline at night.
Red moon
During the total lunar eclipse of January 21, 2019, the moon could be seen in this red tone for a few moments.
Below Eiffel
A failed attempt of a perfectly symmetrical photograph of the Eiffel tower as seen from below.